Different ways are implemented by governments to reach these goals. One of them is student exchange programs. This can be seen as a ‘good way’. Indeed, Leguey-Feilleux sees PD as a synonym for public relation which for him is ‘an extension of the diplomatic mission’ (2009, p.154). On the contrary, Berridge relates public diplomacy to propaganda, which widely and commonly refers to manipulation of public opinion through mass media for political ends (2010, p.179). One example of this could be the activities implemented on PD by the United States after the 9/11 attack.
According to the 2006 CRS Report for Congress U.S Public Diplomacy: Background and the 9/11 Commission Recommendation, during the time prior to 9/11, Congress focus was on political and military power. As the result of that, the U.S Information Agency (USIA), the primary public diplomatic agency, was abolished in 1999 (CRS, 2006, p.2).
Furthermore, several decisions taken by the Bush administration damaged foreign opinion of the USA in both Arab and Muslim world and among several closest allies. Among other reasons, this is due to US refusal of signing several international agreements, such as the Kyoto Protocol and the Chemical Weapons Ban (Ibid.).

Despite this rise of expenditure to do better in regards of public diplomacy activities, the USA does not seem to understand that public diplomacy is not only a ‘monologue’ and is less an intensive campaign. Moreover, in order for US PD to be effective, they need to establish a dialogue and understand other countries point of view/misunderstanding on their foreign policy and image. For instance, as states the CRS Report, despite the fact that in 2004 Egypt was the second larger recipient of US assistance, 85% of Egyptians had an unfavourable view of Americans (Ibid. p,14).
In this case, we can see that the damages caused in the Muslim world by US administration will demand them much more effort if they want to regain their prestige and the trust they seem want to have from the Muslin world.
‘Recent worldwide polls show that the United States government continues to be viewed with scepticism by much of the world, not just among Arab and Muslim populations. When the message isn’t consistent with what people see or experience independently, many assert, public diplomacy is not effective’ (Ibid, p.15).
Public Diplomacy can only be effective if it is credible.
Having said this, we might have found an explanation to Nicolas Sarkozy’s failure in regards of French public diplomacy in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Indeed, in May 2006 when he was the Minister of the Interior, he clearly stated in Bamako (Mali) and Cotonou (Benin) that the Franco-African relationship needed to change: Africa needed better governance, and France will not be a close companion into that path, but just a simpler observer (Goueset, 2010). However, the following day he stated that the French government would support, via development aid, those African countries which defend democracy and fight corruption (Ibid).
Nevertheless, just a year after that, in his controversial speech in the Cheikh Anta Diop Unversity in Dakar (the French government addressing the Malian people), he said that France would support the African continent to go into a path of an ‘African Renaissance’.
First of all, these two foreign policies towards Africa are opposed and secondly, his try of engaging a good public diplomacy activity in Dakar failed by what he said and his presentation, according to critics. The purpose of such speech was to reconsolidate the basis of the relationship between France and Africa. But since he arrived in a white suit, like the colons at the time, and clearly showed during his speech that he misunderstands everything about the African population and its cultural heritage. Indeed, this can be noticed when he talked about the French refusal of ‘repentance’ in regards of colonisation and slave trade, ‘the need for Africa to go back to earth and imagine a future that it will be capable of’ and ‘stop feeling nostalgic of its Golden Age, because such period did not exist in Africa’ (L’express, 2007).

--> 'The African man has not sufficiently entered the History'. Henry Guaino.
As a conclusion on this matter, I would say that public diplomacy can only be effective if it is credible and if it is in line with the country acts, behavior and foreign policy, in which case it would be close to 'public relations'. On the contrary, it would just be propaganda, as argues Berridge.
To read Sarkozy’s speech translation in English: http://marian.typepad.com/marians_blog/2008/04/africa-outside.html
To read it in French: http://www.elysee.fr/elysee/elysee.fr/francais/interventions/2007/juillet/allocution_a_l_universite_de_dakar.79184.html
- Berridge, G.R., Dilplomacy: Theory and Practice, Palgrave Mc Millan, Basingstoke, 2010 (4th ed.)
- CRS Report for Congress, ‘U.S Public Diplomacy: Background and the 9/11 Commission Recommendation’, Updated May, 1 2006. Available Online: http://italy.usembassy.gov/pdf/other/RL32607.pdf
- L’Express, ‘L’Afrique a sa part de responsabilite dans son malheur’, L’Express.fr, July, 27 2007.
- Goueset C., ‘La Françafrique de Nicolas Sarkozy, changement… et continuité’, L’Express.fr, February, 25 2010. Available Online : http://www.lexpress.fr/actualite/monde/afrique/la-francafrique-de-nicolas-sarkozy-changement-et-continuite_851223.html
- Heams, T., ‘”L’Homme africain...”. Le Grand Soir Info, August, 2 2007. Available Online : http://www.legrandsoir.info/L-homme-africain-Retour-sur-le-discours-de-Nicolas-Sarkozy-a.html
- Legueux-Feuilleux, J.R., The Dynamics of Diplomacy, Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder. 2009
- Mbembe, A., ‘Nicola Sarkozy’s Africa’ Le Messager, August, 1 2007, Available Online : http://www.metamute.org/en/Sarkozys-Dakar-Speech
- USC Center on Public Diplomacy, ‘What is Public Diplomacy’. Available Online: http://uscpublicdiplomacy.org/index.php/about/what_is_pd/
Thank you Irina. That's a very interesting analysis. It is good to know that France can sometimes be inept at public diplomacy too! You have clearly done a good amount of research and have provided some important links for use to follow. Well done!
ReplyDeleteHey Irina
ReplyDeleteYour post is very interesting from many perspectives.
Now, when talking about the problematic US/Arab relations there is no true answer so I will just raise some issues that are perhaps relevant.
You seeem to argue that the US are imposing a selfish public diplomacy on the Arab states resulting in hatred. On this point, Joseph Nye argued that in the 1990's the Americans "were largely indifferent and uncertain about how to shape a foreign policy" (Wittkopf and McCormick, 2004:17) which led to the terrorist attacks of 9/11 on the US. Thus, he argues that because the public diplomacy was unexistent in the 1990's that hatred towards the US was born. People always fear what they do not know.
To continue, the fault is not only on the US side. You talked about Egypt and that 85% of its population had an 'unfavorable view on the US'. One could argue that it is because the Egyptian authorities are undemocratic and authoritarian they twist the image of the US in their country. On this point K.M. Campbell argued that the American foreign policy had been wrongly understood by some Arab states because “the lack of freely flowing information, along with the widespread official censorship and propaganda and the failure of public diplomacy” (Campbell, 2001:143). My point here is that the fault does not only lie on one side. The US is the only superpower left in the international system and because they have such high responsibility they constitute an easy target for criticism.
However, on the second point you made about French relations with African states i tend to agree. France only does an effort to 'support' African states because it is pressured to do so by domestic (a large part of immigrants in France are from ex-colonies in Africa) and foreign opinion + cheap raw materials, investment, etc...
It seems rather hypocrit that a Prime Minister (at the time) that was known for his struggle to limit immigration to France would do anything to create closer relations between France and the states where those immigrants come from. Or perhaps he did it only to improve the life conditions in those states so they would not need to come to France. The matter is open for further discussion...
Hi Irina,
ReplyDeletei really enjoyed reading the part about French public diplomacy in Africa. Sarkozy clearly failed in his speeches and i think it shows borader problem and difficulty with public diplomacy. If state official goes abroad to represnet its country not knowing much about the culture, history or situation of the country he goes to, it can result in utter failure; and every attempt to improve inter-state relations or your country's image abroad can simply backfire and worsen the already existing situation.
ReplyDeleteThank you very helpful article
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